Death sentence for --daniel
Txs Chris.
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
I am not doing well. None of the treatments, neither conventional nor holistic, have done anything and the cancer has metastasized into my lymph node, blocking a lot of blood flow. I now have some serious blood clots in my left leg and can no longer walk around much, or stand for very long. My leg is very swollen and that swelling blocks more blood flow, making more edema, making more blocks... it is a viscous circle. The cancer, itself, won't kill me, but either the problems it is creating (or the conventional meds) probably will.
I hate to say it, but at this rate, I may not make it to the end of the year. I really don't want to die, but it may be inevitable.
I hate to say it, but at this rate, I may not make it to the end of the year. I really don't want to die, but it may be inevitable.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
In recent months I have been working on the elimination of parasites from the human body. I noticed the petroleum (Oleum Petrae album rect.) as a very effective remedy. Among other things, I found many hints during my research on a successful treatment of cancer with petroleum. Everything only in German language, but there is also something in English to find. Here some info from a forum.
May Daniel, the hint be useful for you and give you courage to continue to believe in your healing. From the heart all the best. ... onides.pdf
Petroleum for tumor diseases
On closer examination of the literature, this at first glance seemingly grotesque application proves to be highly effective against cancer. Extensive clinical trials have been conducted and published by :
Prof. Gyula de Szilvay (The Oleum Petrae in Cancer Therapy) [Oleum Petrae in Cancer Therapy]
Prof. J. Körbler (Zagreb) in the reported to the International Medical Society for Blood and Tumor Diseases [Report of the International Medical Society for Blood and Tumor Diseases] No. 5, 1964, presented at the 28th Colloquium in Munich. Continued in issue no. 12, 1966 by the same journal.
Prof. Bazala (Zagreb) in vital substances VII, 3.96; 4.138; 5.209; 6.237. Also in Med. clinic 57/36, 1547 in Ars Medici 7 (1962).
At that time the Croatian Medical Association was under pressure to investigate the positive and negative influence of petroleum on tumours in a Zagreb clinic with all available scientific resources, not least due to the pressure of public opinion. This was 'instigated' for 10 years by observations of the occurrence of cancer in workers in oil refineries in the USA and the Soviet Union. In 1930 IF Heller did not find a case of skin cancer in 15 oil refinery workers in the largest centers of the oil industry in Pennsylvania.
F. Ulmann reports that some workers observed with skin cancer in the Galician and Romanian oil fields, but not yet in workers in Baku, literally bathe in oil while working. According to WC Hueper, Jovin did not find a single case of skin cancer that could be attributed to the action of oil over a 20-year period of 2,000 workers in Romania's 4 largest refineries.
I. Carozzi 1934: Also the low number of skin cancer among oil refinery workers in France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Galicia.
GS24 In France, oil is listed in the official pharmacopoeia as "huile de Gabian", and is prescribed as a remedy for bronchitis, asthma and cystitis.
Petroleum in 2002
The pharmaceutical industry is not interested in oil as the substance cannot be patented and therefore it is not possible to secure the market. The scientific community does not care if it is not a new substance that can attract millions of pounds of research funding for scientific or professional careers.
Very little is known about the biochemical reactions of oil because there is no interest.
According to Körbler, it is possible that the hydrocarbons and other pituitary glands in the human body stimulate increased activity, perhaps in different ways than from the time before. This type of stimulation can be light enough, but to initiate a healing process in humans, the patient must also support this behavior.
(In his book "Wandel des Denkens in der Medizin", Dr. Riedweg, the Munich endocrinologist, presents his life's work of cancer therapy among other diseases by treating the endocrine glands.)
According to Körbler, there is no longer any doubt that improvements are observed with petroleum. (Quote from "Zeitschrift für Blut und Geschwulstkrankheiten" Issue 12/1966)
Mertes' preliminary statement that oil in the micelle-rizol emulsion transports lipophilic substances to the relatively non-polar, outer regions of the cells, such as the cytoplasmic membrane, where it is absorbed, thereby influencing the cell by mass transfer. In particular, excess glucose (sugar) would escape from the cell and the fermentation of the cancer cell would then come to a standstill."
Source: Use of ozonides in the treatment of malignant diseases - Basics and clinical results - Dr.rer.nat. Gerhard Steidl
Walter Last (biochemist):
"In Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA, the term "kerosene" is used for the mixture of substances obtained from crude oil at a boiling temperature between 145 and 300 degrees Celsius. In England, Southeast Asia and South Africa, this mixture of substances is called "paraffin" or "paraffin oil"; in Germany and other Central European countries it is called "petroleum" or, in the medical sector, "petrolatum".
Petroleum products are differentiated according to the boiling range in which they are obtained from crude oil.
The German "petroleum" lies in the boiling range of about 175 to 325 degrees Celsius, between gasoline and diesel fuel. The German term "Kerosin" means "light petroleum" - it is used as fuel in the aircraft industry. Gasoline is divided into lighter motor gasoline and heavier test gasoline with a boiling range of 130 to 220° C. The latter, as well as purified naphtha gasoline and special gasoline (with a boiling range of 100 to 140° C) are the most suitable products for our purposes.
Paula Ganner's cancer cure: The modern methods of using petroleum products to cure cancer originated in 1969/1970. At the age of 31, the Austrian Paula Ganner suffered from metastatic cancer and intestinal paralysis after an operation; her doctors gave her only two days. The Tyrolean remembered that in Eastern Europe petroleum and petrol were used as a panacea and therefore took a tablespoon of these substances daily.
After three days she was able to get up again, eleven months later she gave birth to a healthy boy. At the age of three, the child fell ill with polio, which Ganner cured daily with the administration of one teaspoon of naphthalene 100 / 140 for eight days.
Paula Ganner then spread the good news of the amazing effect of certain petroleum products on all sorts of diseases and received 20,000 thank-you letters over the following years describing successful treatments.
For this reason, much of the information available on the cancer-healing effects of purified petroleum products is available exclusively in German; only little of it has been translated into English.
The following excerpts from patient statements appeared in the German weekly 7 Tage. They always refer to "petroleum", but Paula Ganner may have used special petrol 100 / 140 and recommended this mixture of substances as well.
Purified petroleum, Art. G179 "Oleum Patrae album rect. Boiling range: 185-225 degrees
What can explain such an effect against the cancer of kerosene?
Let's go again with the healing properties of "white" oil:
1. 1. kerosene is very dry, drying out cells. Every malignant tumour is a community of surviving, rapidly dividing cells. When it is removed by fluid, they die. The dehydration of cancer cells is one of the most important properties of kerosene directly to the tumor cells.
2. 2. kerosene has a great penetrating power. In general, any type of tumor surrounds itself with a protective barrier. Likewise, the body tries to do it by isolating the tumor. Drugs hardly overcome this barrier. However, the properties of kerosene are such that it is relatively easy to overcome this barrier and has a direct effect on cancer cells. This property was mentioned in ancient times - oil, especially the white, dissolves the melts and opens the blockade.
3. 3. malignant tumors cause inflammation and pain in tissues and organs. Kerosene leads to inflammation inhibition and has an analgesic effect. This is the first of all required properties in patients with malignancy.
4. 4. Recently it has been suggested that one of the main reasons for the emergence and formation of malignant tumors caused by parasites. Thus, Hulda Clark talks about some worms that cause cancer and their application which successfully leads to cure and tumors. Others refer to fungi (Candida), others (Tamara Svischeva) for trichomonads and treatment against these successfully cured some tumors.
One of the most important properties of kerosene is its antibacterial and anti-helmintic (?) properties"... Flatworms kill. So if the tumor really comes from parasites, kerosene cures are justified. If the type of tumor is completely different, for example, due to prolonged emotional stress (injury, loss, etc.), neither the kerosene nor other means in the treatment do not affect the human psyche, are powerless in this case. This case requires a completely different technique. And the practice of cancer treatment confirms this phenomenon - that only causally fulfilled cancer treatment is effective.
5. 5. kerosene increases the body's defenses. This is exactly what is necessary to successfully fight the body with cancer.
6. 6. kerosene application dilates blood vessels and improves tissue nutrition. It is especially important to use this in oncology. After all, it works together with the blood into the affected tissue and acts on the damaged cells, forcing them to reach the whole body.
7. 7. kerosene in the body increases the activity of the endocrine glands, improves metabolism. On the one hand, hormones act better on the cells so that they do their job properly, on the other hand, improved metabolism contributes to their mobilization against the harmful effects of the tumor. Of course, there are other mechanisms of action of kerosene (molecules, through special spatial structure of molecules of kerosene, energy, etc.) than the whole body and on cancer cells, with which one can help oncology patients. The mechanism of action described above can thus successfully promote the remission of a number of cancers. And they are not just words, the extensive practice of kerosene treatment of cancer around the world. A particularly impressive example of a woman Paula Ganner, who has cured herself of cancer from the beginning, and then successfully helped to cure many others.
Paula, herself seriously ill with metastatic colorectal cancer: During her illness and treatment she lost 14 kg. During the operation, 75 cm of intestine was removed. But the disease progressed further, and penetrated the rectum. During a second operation to remove the rectum, it was already too late: the closed anus, anal paralysis and the right kidney were affected. After 8 days in hospital she was released home as incurable. Doctors gave her 2 days to live.
Paula was paralyzed at home and remembered a story of a soldier in Yugoslavia. The people drank kerosene and rubbed it into their bodies. She decided to try the treatment with distilled kerosene and began to drink 1 teaspoon sober. It is said that after the very first time she drank 1 tablespoonful of kerosene, 1 hour later she felt better. After 3 days the pain subsided and she started rubbing the paralyzed body with it. On the 13th day she got up again and vomiting continued. After 6 weeks of taking kerosene, she felt very hungry. Had an appetite for vegetables, began to eat fruit and meat, and quickly gained weight. After some time, she regained her lost weight of 56 kg. Paula was no longer afraid of the terrible disease for which there was no medicine. She just forgot - married (11 months after recovery), had a son, then another."
Petrovich says the only side effect of kerosene intake is burping. He had observed a poisoning phenomenon in a clinic after taking 1/2 litre of kerosene.
Walter Last:
"Both turpentine and petroleum distillates have been used in medicine since ancient times and are still used today as folk remedies. Already in Babylon they were administered against stomach problems, inflammations and stomach ulcers.
The method of distilling crude oil / petroleum into hydrocarbon fractions was already written down in Persia in the 9th century.
Today these products are mainly used in less prosperous regions such as Russia, Eastern Europe and Africa. A recent study in Nigeria showed that about 70 percent of the local population use petroleum products for medical purposes. They are mostly used against infections and infectious diseases, but also against autoimmune diseases, arthritis and rheumatic diseases. It is said that even the Rockefellers founded their fortune on the sale of petroleum as a cure for cancer - before they discovered that chemotherapy is much more lucrative."
"Kerosene cures diseases which are derived from the blood," thus maintains the wife of a Tyrolese butcher, Paula Canner.
Paula Canner (age 50) has cured more than 20,000 sick and received a patent in several countries. Caro Huptn visited her to learn about her method. Paula,herself, had cancer and cured herself by using kerosene. She helped cure people sick with cancer, when all other methods had proved fruitless. How did it happen, that she learned about the healing characteristics of kerosene?
Paula Canner was sick with cancer that had already spread (metastasis) and lost 14kilograms. Surgery was used to remove [a large part] of her intestines. It was too late for another operation, a colostomy, because she became paralyzed and her rectum became atomic. Even her right kidney was attacked by the cancer. According to her doctors, her condition was hopeless. After an eight-day stay-in the hospital she was sent home as an incurable patient. She was given two days to live.
While lying at home, paralyzed, she remembered what the soldiers used to say when they were at Bosnia and Herbage during World War I. They said that the people of those towns used to drink kerosene, to cure all types of illnesses and also used it as a substance for rubbing-down the sick. She asked someone to buy her some distilled kerosene at a drugstore in Insbruk. When she received, it,immediately she took one tablespoon. In less than an hour there was a slight improvement in her condition. The paralysis and the pain disappeared. In three days she got out of bed for the first time.
After some time she began to eat and did not vomit after eating. After 6 weeks, she felt a terrible hunger and got a taste for veal cutlets, meat, vegetables and salad. Later she reached her normal weight of 56 kg. After 11 months of illness she bore a son, who weighed5.6 kg. One month after the child's birth, she volunteered to give blood. The doctor in the clinic said, "I wish every person had your blood, you must have never been sick." Since that time, the Canner family is not frightened by the terrible disease, for which up to this time there has been no cure.
Mrs .Canner's youngest son contracted infantile paralysis (polio). In a short while the paralysis reached his hips and spread to the other leg. Finally he could not stand up and his knees began to turn toward his back. Injections and medicine did not help him. At this time he took some kerosene. After 7 days he was able to run and play with the other children. Her other son cut his finger while cutting meat in his father's butcher shop. He got blood-poisoning. He lost weight and had 1.5 million too few red blood corpuscles. Iron tablets did not help him. After taking kerosene for 5 days, he could once again work in the butcher shop. In 4 weeks he was completely recovered.
(....more in article ... rosene.php )
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
Sorry to read that last comment daniel. Hang in there, is all I can offer.
Guidance & Love,
Guidance & Love,
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
After much consideration and discussion with friends, I have decided to give chemo a try, in an attempt to push the spread of cancer back a bit and relieve the suffering I am experiencing. Did my research and will be doing it concurrently with curcumin, which is known to greatly relieve the toxic effects of chemo and keep the immune system going. (I do have a very strong immune system, if only I could get it to attack the cancer!)
Also making some dietary changes to boost immune response and block other damaging effects of chemo.
My decision is based primarily on the fact that I have not been able to continue my research; the pain drugs just screw up my mind too much and I cannot think clearly. If I can get off them, then I can get the last of what I wanted to say out to the public. I hate to leave things hanging and everyone keeps asking me for another paper (I do have one started, but still a ways from being complete).
Guess I'll have to get out photoshop and see if I can make Fred Flintstone bald for a new avatar!
Also making some dietary changes to boost immune response and block other damaging effects of chemo.
My decision is based primarily on the fact that I have not been able to continue my research; the pain drugs just screw up my mind too much and I cannot think clearly. If I can get off them, then I can get the last of what I wanted to say out to the public. I hate to leave things hanging and everyone keeps asking me for another paper (I do have one started, but still a ways from being complete).
Guess I'll have to get out photoshop and see if I can make Fred Flintstone bald for a new avatar!
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
daniel, even if you never produce another paper, please know you have made an impact. You have made a difference. You are loved.
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
I would have thought by now you would have been better. Man! I wish I could make it all go away. Sorry things are not going your way. Maybe things just take longer where you live. Anyway I will be pulling for you to get better.daniel wrote: ↑Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:03 am
My decision is based primarily on the fact that I have not been able to continue my research; the pain drugs just screw up my mind too much and I cannot think clearly. If I can get off them, then I can get the last of what I wanted to say out to the public. I hate to leave things hanging and everyone keeps asking me for another paper (I do have one started, but still a ways from being complete).
Guess I'll have to get out photoshop and see if I can make Fred Flintstone bald for a new avatar!
A bald Fred Flintstone?

All that glitter is not GOLD!
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Re: Death sentence for --daniel
The most recent update on daniel from FB:
Daniel Phoenix III
1 November at 12:36 ·
As I posted on ConsciousHugs, none of the cancer treatments (holistic, dietary and conventional) I've done have had any effect on the cancer. My PSA has now shot up to 600... hard to believe that just a year ago it was 13. At this rate, I won't see Christmas, so after a long talk with my oncologist and close friends, I decided to give chemo a try, as it is about the only thing left. They are confident that it may work to extend my life a year or more, as this chemical targets the cancer directly, based on genome testing. I had my first infusion yesterday, and it went well.
The cancer, itself, doesn't really effect me--it's all the other problems it causes by the swelling and blocking up of things. I have lost use of my left leg due to lymph node inflammation blocking blood vessels, which caused more blood clots, which blocked more vessels and my upper leg inflated to the size of a watermelon with edema--it is quite painful, and I am on pain killer now, 24/7. I'm basically disabled and now have "Huntsman@Home" nurses taking care of me. It really sucks, as I've been SO independent and self-sufficient all my life. I hate having to depend on others to take care of me. Heck, I cannot even go to the store to shop, because I cannot walk for more than a couple hundred feet (70 meters), before the pain gets to me.
I'm trying to do my best now to get out that last paper... coming along slowly; up to 16 pages, so about half way done. After that, I want to do some technical papers on RS2, just so 40 years of research doesn't just fall into oblivion. After that... well, we'll have to see if the chemo works. Scary thing was that the oncologists I've spoken to say that they've only seen cancer this aggressive a couple of times in their CAREER... that amounts to about 1 case every 5 years or so. It is a very rare form of cancer. Got to wonder if my encounter with that high-level demon left some venom in me or something. This is just too strange. Before this hit, I was really healthy, working out 6 days a week... heck, I could keep up with 30-year-olds at the gym! It is strange that, just as I discovered the inverse/occulted spectrum, this hit me within a few days.
So I'm going to get back to work writing that paper. Slow going, as the drugs fog my mind quite a bit, so may not be up to my usual standard of knowledge and humor. But I'll give it my best shot.
Craig Martin Walker
Have you written/talked about this experience at all? We have to stop it’s influence!
Daniel Phoenix III
Yes, there are some posts here and on ConsciousHugs. The information I got from the experience is included in my next (and maybe last) paper... actually working on that section now.
Henrik Boldt
Keep fighting, but I bet ya the real juicy stuff's on the other side
and in the end everything's eternal and nothing ever gets lost. Though it never really seems that way, Everything is always in perfect divine order. Keep the faith!
Daniel Phoenix III
Not necessarily lost, but occluded. Since I am an ancient history buff, I see how much information has gone missing and misinterpreted... the NWO making credible reports and processes into jokes so people will ignore them and consider them fables. It is a loss to the world.
Ravi Durvasula
dont worry about the paper it is for us to pick up the pieces and start making things using RS2 concepts
Daniel Phoenix III
Not as easy as you may think! We are taught to think in terms of "things," not "motion." Trying to learn RS2 requires a different way to think--and very difficult to explain. Some people just cannot understand time as the reciprocal of space, particularly the 3D aspect of it. Shame, because that is where all the really cool stuff is--magick so advanced, it is indistinguishable from science!
Yvette Daniel
Have you seen the case studies of the man who cured very aggressive cancer with Veterinarian Deworming RX? They are now doing scientific studies as it seems to cure incurable cases.. I will try to fine the info
Daniel Phoenix III
Do you mean Fenbendazole? Looking into it now.
Toni Bolt
Allow God to lead you through this journey, however long it may be~thank you for sharing
Daniel Phoenix III
Tried that... seems God and I aren't on the best terms lately. Feeling a big "forsaken."
Dean Propst
It is time. We both know your already thinking in 6D, which means you are about to activate( or have activated) an entire octave. You no longer need the struggle to remain relevant and consequential. You'll be missed and still alive in your research. …See more
Daniel Phoenix III
You can go to the RS2 site and download EVERY article and paper written on the RS for free as 6 PDF files. They are called the "Periodicals Collection" from A-E, along with a master index. That's probably the best archive of information on the RS outside of Larson's books, which I am helping to get back into print now.
Like Daniel Jackson on Stargate SG-1, I have a few problems with ascension... still a bit too much of a rebel to last long there. I have work to finish here, so as they say, "I'll be back!"
Daniel Phoenix III
1 November at 12:36 ·
As I posted on ConsciousHugs, none of the cancer treatments (holistic, dietary and conventional) I've done have had any effect on the cancer. My PSA has now shot up to 600... hard to believe that just a year ago it was 13. At this rate, I won't see Christmas, so after a long talk with my oncologist and close friends, I decided to give chemo a try, as it is about the only thing left. They are confident that it may work to extend my life a year or more, as this chemical targets the cancer directly, based on genome testing. I had my first infusion yesterday, and it went well.
The cancer, itself, doesn't really effect me--it's all the other problems it causes by the swelling and blocking up of things. I have lost use of my left leg due to lymph node inflammation blocking blood vessels, which caused more blood clots, which blocked more vessels and my upper leg inflated to the size of a watermelon with edema--it is quite painful, and I am on pain killer now, 24/7. I'm basically disabled and now have "Huntsman@Home" nurses taking care of me. It really sucks, as I've been SO independent and self-sufficient all my life. I hate having to depend on others to take care of me. Heck, I cannot even go to the store to shop, because I cannot walk for more than a couple hundred feet (70 meters), before the pain gets to me.
I'm trying to do my best now to get out that last paper... coming along slowly; up to 16 pages, so about half way done. After that, I want to do some technical papers on RS2, just so 40 years of research doesn't just fall into oblivion. After that... well, we'll have to see if the chemo works. Scary thing was that the oncologists I've spoken to say that they've only seen cancer this aggressive a couple of times in their CAREER... that amounts to about 1 case every 5 years or so. It is a very rare form of cancer. Got to wonder if my encounter with that high-level demon left some venom in me or something. This is just too strange. Before this hit, I was really healthy, working out 6 days a week... heck, I could keep up with 30-year-olds at the gym! It is strange that, just as I discovered the inverse/occulted spectrum, this hit me within a few days.
So I'm going to get back to work writing that paper. Slow going, as the drugs fog my mind quite a bit, so may not be up to my usual standard of knowledge and humor. But I'll give it my best shot.
Craig Martin Walker
Have you written/talked about this experience at all? We have to stop it’s influence!
Daniel Phoenix III
Yes, there are some posts here and on ConsciousHugs. The information I got from the experience is included in my next (and maybe last) paper... actually working on that section now.
Henrik Boldt
Keep fighting, but I bet ya the real juicy stuff's on the other side

Daniel Phoenix III
Not necessarily lost, but occluded. Since I am an ancient history buff, I see how much information has gone missing and misinterpreted... the NWO making credible reports and processes into jokes so people will ignore them and consider them fables. It is a loss to the world.
Ravi Durvasula
dont worry about the paper it is for us to pick up the pieces and start making things using RS2 concepts
Daniel Phoenix III
Not as easy as you may think! We are taught to think in terms of "things," not "motion." Trying to learn RS2 requires a different way to think--and very difficult to explain. Some people just cannot understand time as the reciprocal of space, particularly the 3D aspect of it. Shame, because that is where all the really cool stuff is--magick so advanced, it is indistinguishable from science!
Yvette Daniel
Have you seen the case studies of the man who cured very aggressive cancer with Veterinarian Deworming RX? They are now doing scientific studies as it seems to cure incurable cases.. I will try to fine the info
Daniel Phoenix III
Do you mean Fenbendazole? Looking into it now.
Toni Bolt
Allow God to lead you through this journey, however long it may be~thank you for sharing

Daniel Phoenix III
Tried that... seems God and I aren't on the best terms lately. Feeling a big "forsaken."
Dean Propst
It is time. We both know your already thinking in 6D, which means you are about to activate( or have activated) an entire octave. You no longer need the struggle to remain relevant and consequential. You'll be missed and still alive in your research. …See more
Daniel Phoenix III
You can go to the RS2 site and download EVERY article and paper written on the RS for free as 6 PDF files. They are called the "Periodicals Collection" from A-E, along with a master index. That's probably the best archive of information on the RS outside of Larson's books, which I am helping to get back into print now.
Like Daniel Jackson on Stargate SG-1, I have a few problems with ascension... still a bit too much of a rebel to last long there. I have work to finish here, so as they say, "I'll be back!"
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
Thank you for the information from Daniel's FB posting.
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
Yes txs alot Chris.
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.