Hi all, while watching this latest Webre interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ0JUWQbu4c) I've stumbled on an interesting website that reinterprets the myths of the Annunaki cross-referenced with the Book of Urantia material.
Some of you I'm sure are familiar with the 2000+ page book, channelled in the 20&30's & printed in 1955, on the history of Earth, Christ and the Lucifer rebellion. I read it about 20 years ago and at the time I was blown away by the sheer volume of information, detail and depth of it. Admittedly, its overly complex hierarchical structure, basically a huge bureaucracy of beings working for God® eventually turned me off but some concepts are interesting nonetheless.
The Annunaki in this interpretation are celestial beings sent to Earth with the mission of improving the genetic stock of humans and help devellop civilization. They were originally 100 but during their mandate on Earth a war in Heaven started, the Lucifer rebellion, and the group divided in two, those who would follow the Rebels and those who remained faithful to their mission. The head of the Rebel is Nod or En.Lil and his opposite is Van, En.Ki. History was to be shaped by the actions of these two groups:
Anyway, check it out the author is articulate, makes some good connections with apocryphal work like the Book of Enoch and its an enjoyable read, though I disagree with some of the his idea's (for instance his theory on Atlantis)...
Annunaki revisited
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.